bright-eyed delicious

Bleh. For a woman who obsesses over food,
I get so bored of food.
Chad comes home from a full day at school and work, and what do I have to talk about?
What I ate that day. What we're having for dinner. And is there anything you'd like me to get at the store for next week?

This post will not be about food.

I'm sitting in my living room, un-showered, in a bright green Disneyland t-shirt, my beautiful auburn-haired baby strapped to my front...scratch that. I guess Addie isn't feeling the front pack today. Now she's propped up beside me on some pillows, hiccuping and yawning and looking around all bright-eyed.
Hold on... now she's balancing between my arms as I type, still hiccuping violently, attempting to climb me like a rock wall. She calms as I breathe into her ear and sway with her back and forth.

Addie will be two months old this week. I can hardly believe it.
(She is now asleep, breathing deeply. Hiccups are gone for now.)

Yesterday she took her first real sit-in-the-water bath. I've been so nervous to try a real bath, because she hates hates hates sponge baths. Turns out the sponge bath part was the problem. She loved soaking in the warm water (Chad found the perfect temperature) and even let me wipe her face down really well.
Happy Mother's Day to me!
I haven't felt heaven be so close since the moment Addie was born.
As Addie soaked in her pink plastic tub, piano music was playing quietly, only complemented by the soft trickle of bath water. I've never seen Addie move so fluidly and slowly when she wasn't asleep.
I'm so grateful for those moments of stillness yesterday.
They were, in a way, delicious to me.

My friend Aimee said it beautifully:
Addie's eyes epitomize the title of this blog, bright-eyed delicious.

She's right. I have truly never seen eyes so bright and curious and eager.
I'm realizing more and more every day that "bright-eyed delicious" means a lot more than good-tasting food.
It's my mantra, my life motto.
Keep your eyes bright, wide open to the world around you, and you will surely find those things that are
delicious to your senses.
