Addie: Seven Months Old

Looking much more clean-cut after her first haircut from Mom.
Flips from back to belly sometime during each night.
Still sleeping 12+ hours every night (what a blessing for a mom who very much needs her sleep!).
Recognized by others by her characteristic loud clicking noises she makes with her tongue.
Also her spitting. And pretend talking.
Becoming quite the bouncer while sitting down. Has begun scooting ever so slightly. Crawling soon!
Gobbles up applesauce, sweet potatoes, and bananas, but does not like peas.
Is ticklish on the bottoms of her feet and on her ribs.
Misses Dad when he's away at work and school, but grins so big when he comes through the front door.
Holds her bottles all by herself; loves being able to choose when to take breaks from eating to jabber.
Scored some great new clothes at Kid to Kid!
Enjoys completely soiling the outfits Mom works so hard to put together (when does potty training start?).
Already a little social butterfly, grinning from ear to ear when anyone looks her way, especially kids her age.
Doesn't hate tummy time so much anymore. So ready to crawl and scoot and move already.
Recognizes her aunts and uncle (and grandparents!) on the iPad screen during Facetime.
Very interested in the textures around her (e.g. carpet, upholstered furniture, brick walls).
Has mastered the art of picking up objects with both hands.
Turns the pages of her storybooks by herself, Mom's favorite of Addie's latest accomplishments.

Looks so beautiful in our at-home family photo session with Brooke Schultz Photography.
These pictures are a mother's dream. I never tire of the way I become swollen with pride when I look at my little family, my pride and joy, my life's work.
See the rest of the pictures on Brooke's blog.