Favorite Breakfasts: Raw Muesli with Yogurt

Okay, before I say anything, I need to ask you something:
Do you eat breakfast?

In my pre-Addie life, I could be seen every morning walking to school with a piece of peanut butter toast in my hand or driving to work with a cereal bowl balanced between my knees (I became quite good at eating this way...). But let's be serious. Does one piece of toast or one bowl of Reese's Puffs satisfy our hunger for more than an hour or two?


I've started making a point to have balanced breakfasts every morning. With help from a couple of blogs and an Instagram comment from Sarah, I must say I've stumbled upon the most harmonious of breakfasts.

I like to think of it as a bowl of fruit with yogurt
as opposed to a bowl of yogurt with fruit.

I also like to think of the raw oats, raw almonds, and raw fruit as a kind of fresh, raw muesli.
(Did you know that I lived in Vienna for four months when I was a college sophomore? I lived off of this muesli while in Austria.)
No need to toast the nuts or dry the fruit; this stuff has enough crunch in its raw form.

Fruit: favorites are fresh peaches, blackberries, strawberries, and apricots, but I think any fruit would go beautifully. Even rhubarb (technically a veggie)!
Grain: raw rolled oats or homemade granola (I like my granola raw)
Protein: Greek yogurt and chopped almonds

Sweetener: honey, agave
Optional Additions: cocoa powder, ground flax seed, wheat bran

Addie usually needs my care anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour after we first wake up in the morning (let's be honest; sometimes she wants to be held all day long). I love this yogurt bowl, because I can toss it in a bowl with one hand if Addie wants to be held.

And just because I like it best with raw fruit and almonds doesn't mean you can't try it with dried cranberries and roasted walnuts. Or swap out the Greek yogurt for milk. Experiment and see which combinations you like best!

I would love to hear about your favorite breakfasts,
the ones that keep you feeling full and satisfied until noon.

What do you find yourself eating every morning?