A New Fave: Vegan Overnight Oats

I have found a beautiful breakfast.
Yes, the last post was also about a breakfast I then deemed beautiful, but this recipe is even more lovely.

These oats are better because they left me feeling so clean inside. Clean and full!

We're taking the vegan plunge this week to see how it makes us feel. Chad and I have just been dragging lately and we think it's because we've let our diets slide a bit. (By the way, I hate that the word diet is tainted to mean "restricting oneself to a small amount of food in order to lose an inordinate amount of weight." Diet to me means "the food that I eat." Just wanted to make sure we were clear.)

So yeah. Here's the recipe for my new favorite thing. Try it if you dare.

P.S. You can use any kind of milk you want in this recipe, but to make it good, you must have the chia seeds. See Sheena's post for a little rundown on their nutritional benefits. I got a little baggie of them from the Winco bulk bins yesterday...just to try them out. Mixed with a little liquid, they turn into a gel that resembles an egg. Except not nasty goopy. More like pudding. Which is what this recipe for overnight oats turns into. A fantastic pudding. For breakfast.

P.P.S. On my personal copy of the recipe, I wrote the following message to myself: "Yes, sir. It’s a new favorite! Packed with flavorful crunch, this bowl of oats was cool and refreshing for a warm morning. It was the quintessential foreshadowing of a calm, peaceful, un-sweaty day."


Vegan Overnight Oats
slightly adapted from Oh She Glows

1/3 cup rolled oats
1 1/2 T chia seeds
1 cup almond milk
splash of vanilla

1/2 apple, chopped
small handful of washed blueberries
2 dried apricots, chopped really small
1 T almond butter
drizzle of agave (or sweetener of your choice)

In a cereal bowl, stir the first four ingredients together, making sure to incorporate the chia seeds into the milk. Cover and place in fridge overnight.

In the morning, top oats with the fruit, nut butter, and sweetener.
