Collaboration + Fresh Veggie Pasta Salad

Good heavens! If I had known a post about pregnancy realities would inspire so much feedback, I would have written it a long time ago! You people out there, you are wonderful. Knowing that something I wrote impacted you for the better is the coolest feeling.

I spent a good portion of last evening brainstorming post topics that would be similar to yesterday's. Many of those ideas could easily be found elsewhere, which doesn't necessarily mean I'll drop them. But I've recently learned that a good writer's goal should be to present previously untapped information, things no one else has said before with an angle no one else has thought of before. Sounds impossible!

My conclusion before turning out my light was this: No one knows my experience like I do. Perhaps something I've learned on my own, from inspiration, from conversation, will help someone else find joy. I solemnly declare that as my goal: To search for things that may help us walk a little taller.


I've recently discovered that learning is all about collaboration. Life is all about collaboration.
With each other's help, we can be happy and free and clear-headed.
We can learn important things, fun things, enlightening things.

I feel as if every epiphany is the beginning of a new journey; but really, it's just sharpening my focus on my destination: Happiness. Forever.

Your feedback thrills me, helps me to find that focus we're all searching for. I hope that you will always feel free to comment here. Write to me and I'll write to you. Or stay silent if you wish.

But it's much more fun when we


Sometimes you just need something that's fresh and easy--little to no cooking required.
You've had enough leftover stew or comfort meatballs or mashed potatoes.
Summer produce is beginning to faintly call to you, but winter still stretches on.
You'd like something light and tasty that will still fill you up.

Take a gander at one of my favorite things to toss together:

Fresh Veggie Pasta Salad

-3 veggies of your choice, raw or lightly steamed  (my favorites are cucumber, red bell pepper, and carrot)
-cheddar cheese, cubed
-whole wheat pasta, cooked to al dente (long, thin pastas are easiest to eat with chunky veggies)
-vinaigrette dressing (our favorite is Brianna's Real French Vinaigrette)

Toss ingredients together, and top with S&P and parmesan to serve.

Pairs beautifully with a big glass of icy lemonade.