Baby Bump + Things to Remember: Pregnancy Edition

Twenty-nine weeks along and the rain is finally coming down out my window (what's with Utah's warm weather this year?)
Addie-girl has been turning somersaults and kicking gently nudging my rib cage all day today. 
And I love it. 
I'm going to miss that part of pregnancy.
All in all, having a little babe inside of me has been more wonderful than I could have predicted.
Yes, I was sick for a time.
Sure, I spent my days feeling famished (still do).
But the chance to really truly feel my little girl growing inside of me,
well that's just been priceless.

Things I want to remember:
+ Gummy prenatal vitamins are heaven sent. How is a gagging, nauseated pregnant woman supposed to swallow TWO gigantic vitamin pills every morning? She can't. Do yourself a favor and get the gummy ones (or this) from the start.

+ Record pregnant notes-to-self. How I flipped through the Pottery Barn Kids catalog for a solid hour the night my pregnancy test was positive. How morning sickness can actually mean all-day sickness; how Saltine crackers before getting out of bed eventually help with that. Also Ricola cough drops, strangely.

+ There are fantastic sushi options that you can eat! Just ask the waitress at Happy Sumo. She knows the way. (The Frida Roll is a knockout.)

+ Taking time to look your best every day will do wonders to your confidence. A belly that seems to double in size on a regular basis can do strange things to your self-esteem (sometimes it's a boost, sometimes it's deflating). Get a haircut that makes you want to look in the mirror. Don't settle for frumpy maternity clothes; invest in great t-shirts in great colors and experiment with what you pair them with. Be proud of your belly. Embrace accessories. Always put on makeup. Trust me; your days will be happier.

+ Believe your husband when he tells you you're beautiful. Thank him for how quickly he comes to the rescue to rub your cramping feet.

+ Remember that, when you're pregnant, most everything weird that happens to you is normal. That being said, keep the nurse's phone number on speed dial for when you're worried; she has a gift for calming reassurance. Never hesitate to ask her lots of questions.

+ Find a doctor and a hospital that you feel comfortable with. Ask around from women who appreciate the same things you do: a doctor who listens, who reassures you, who takes time to answer all your questions.

+ Let yourself cry when you need to. Understand that it probably really is the hormones.

+ Figure out if pregnancy books help you or freak you out. If they help, ask around for favorites. If they freak you out (like they do me), stay away from them. Gather information through conversation instead.

+ Do not compare the size of your belly to the sizes of other pregnant women's bellies. As long as your doctor says your baby is healthy and progressing normally, do not worry. Don't get offended when people tell you your belly is too small or big or round or oblong. They just had a different experience. Every woman's body is different. You'll likely be smaller with your first pregnancy and be bigger for subsequent pregnancies.

+ Love that precious babe growing inside of you. Tell her good morning. Let her hear you laugh. Sing her to sleep at night. Thank God every day for the precious gift He's giving you.

See other pregnancy tips here

Back to recipes tomorrow!