#244: Niles Frigid 5K

If you want to get going on your New Year's Resolution to work out more, here is the thing to do for you this weekend: the Niles Frigid 5K.  Finishing a race, especially one with such a hardcore name, gives you such a feeling of accomplishment, no matter what place you finish.  (Eg. See the excellent guest post recap of the Sunburst races.)  Age group awards, a forgiving start time (9 AM) and the appeal of hot chili afterward make this race an even better way to start an exercise regimen. 
It's rare to have a race mid-winter and rarer that we don't have significant snow cover, so take advantage of this opportunity, and you will have of being on your way to meet your fitness goals.

And you're waiting until the Chinese New Year to make your resolution, come to pique your appetite for the Hunter Ice Festival, which we featured last year (#105).

Where: Niles Amphitheater, Niles, MI
When: Saturday, Jan. 14, 9:00 start time
Cost: $20 w/o shirt; $25 with shirt (quantities limited)
Register at the website http://www.nilesf5k.com/ or on the day of.