Between school being out and the high temperatures, the mere thought of mental exertion might seem like too much effort. Fight the summer laze and rally to the (air-conditioned) Snite Museum for its new exhibit of Andrea Palladio's drawings. His classical architecture style is reflected in the White House, Monticello, and yes, even the domed courthouse here in South Bend. The traveling exhibit at South Bend features 31 of his original drawings as well as antique books and exquisitely detailed models. It's a wonderful introduction to how the Greek and Roman architectural styles were revived in the 16th century and eventually became the hallmark style for democratic government buildings.
Palladio's villa at Vicenza, Italy |
To complement this special exhibit, which runs through July 31, the Notre Dame School of Architecture is coordinating a three-day
conference, "From Vernacular to Classical: The Perpetual Modernity of Palladio". (Say what?! They'll be discussing Palladio's influence and where it appears today.) Come to this event to meet some of the top classical architects of today. Also occurring, Stone Mason Travis Kline, ND ’03, will build a Palladian jack-arch using Bybee Limestone throughout the conference.
And just like the movies in the infamous Disney Vault, Palladio's drawings are only on a short global tour before they return to London, where they'll be stored for another 20+ years. It's a coup for South Bend to attract such a noteworthy collection and world-renowned visitors, so shake off the dog day laze to take advantage.
Where: Snite Museum of Art
Call: (574) 631-5466 When: Open Tu-Sun, check
here for hours and parking information
Cost: The Snite Museum and Palladio exhibit is free, but conference fees do apply if you wish to participate in the sessions and dinners.