#155: "My Brightest Diamond" at Subkirke Venue

Guys, I'm really excited about this. I just found out about this live music venue in South Bend yesterday and couldn't wait to share, particularly because of the artist they're hosting tonight. From what I understand, Subkirke Venue hosts a variety of mostly independent and local performers in the sanctuary of an actual church (the South Bend Christian Reformed Church). That would be pretty cool on its own, but combined with the actual quality of the performers they host, I'm already prepared for Subkirke to become my new favorite "thing to do in South Bend".

The view from the audience
You see, I really like the performer that is featured tonight. Shara Worden, stage name, My Brightest Diamond, is an up-and-coming singer-songwriter (and multi-instrumentalist) with a sound that veers between opera and folk (sample here). She's played with Sufjan Stevens, the National and David Byrne. Even if none of those names ring any bells, I would still encourage you to check her out because of her incredible talent, manifested in her live show. Hopefully you can tell that I'm a huge fan, but, even more, I'm a huge fan of the increasingly vibrant music scene here in South Bend and hope you'll come out with me to support it.

Where: Subkirke Venue, 1855 North Hickory Road (near the Cinemark). More info on the location can be found here.
When: 8:30pm, doors open at 7:30pm
Price: $10 at the door
Tip: Get there in time for the local opener, Rendition!

For upcoming shows (the next one also looks fantastic) and more info, check out their website here. I'll be updating this post with more info (and pictures!) after tonight.