Liberty Film Series - Time of Fear: Japanese Internment Camps
Friday, December 3rd, 2:30 pm
@ the Center for History, 808 West Washington Street
I was lucky enough to see part of this documentary a few years ago as part of a class on race relations. It walks that delicate line of engagingly informative and emotionally moving. The film follows the lives of thousands of Japanese-Americans who were forced into relocation camps during WWII. I definitely recommend seeing this movie at the Center for History or anywhere you can! The film is free with purchase of a museum admission. Adults $8, seniors $6.50, youth 6-17 $5, and members free
Check out their website here to see which other films are part of the Liberty Film Series.
Christmas at Copshaholm
Friday, December 3rd, 5:30 pm

This tour of the historical Oliver family home is complete with performers dressed in period costume as the Oliver family and the household staff. They recommend that you buy tickets ahead of time. Adults $10, seniors $8, youth 6-17 $6, members $5
Call 574-235-9664, ext. 232 with questions or check out their website here.
Internationally and locally decorated Christmas trees
@ the Center for History, 808 West Washington Street
On-going exhibits from November 26th to January 9th
I've yet to check these out myself, but it looks like the Center for History has two Christmas tree exhibits that could be said to display the local/global dichotomy. The trees in the Carroll Gallery have been decorated to celebrate our community's international and rich ethnic heritage, while the other collection features eight trees decorated by community designers and retailers.
Bon hiver and happy snow shoveling!