All of these pieces were created using pastels. Fun. Messy and vibrant all in one little chalky stick. Talk about creative! Now the question that I know you are wanting to ask: Why are they faceless?? The answer is: I don't know them. These women are the friend, the sister, the aunt, the teacher, the survivor of domestic violence, the single mother making ends meet despite the odds, the songstress that uses her gift to pay her way through college...they are the women that you know. It is said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Without eyes, we do not know their stories. We cannot define them, only speculate the infinite power that comes from knowing oneself. These women are who they were destined to be, without the limitations placed upon them by outside factors. In their facelessness they give the most powerful statement anyone can make: I am not your definition of me.
* Note: At some point most of these pieces had titles. However, because of the nature of the pieces, each time I look at them, the name does not seem to quite fit. So much like the inability to define them without knowing their stories- I have not been able to give them names. I am open to suggestions though. If you have a title that captures the moment- let me know :O)