Blogging: A Love-Hate Relationship

Claire, you have this completely annoying habit of obsessing over your blog for a few weeks (even posting multiple times a day sometimes) and then throwing yourself into an I-hate-blogging, blogging-stinks, who-do-I-think-I-am-anyway-Naomi-Davis? mood that lasts until you remember some things.
I'm going to list those things for you now.
You will do well to remember them.

1. You are Claire Ford and no one else. You cook and dress and write with your own unique style. That is all you can ask of yourself. That is all anyone expects of you anyway.

2. Your best ideas come when you forget about following the trends.

3. Your best ideas come when you have an open notebook and an uncapped pen on your person. Record everything you feel the need to record. This is how you sort your thoughts. This is how you clear your mind.

4. True, you prefer handwritten letters to emails and feel much more accomplished after three hours of reading a printed book than after three hours of scrolling through a blog. But you also have to live in the twenty-first century. Embrace the technology. Use it for good.

5. You're going to write anyway. Your mind doesn't survive otherwise. Why not share those writings? get feedback? fuel a conversation?

6. Claire, you have marvelous friends. Reach out to them. You need them and they need you. It's collaboration, remember?

7. Let's face it: You're much better at expressing yourself in writing than in spoken words. Use this blog as a platform to practice sharing yourself with others. Find the interesting things about yourself and write about them. What makes you you? Be interested in yourself and others will be interested in you.