I'd like to take a quick break from food to put in a plug for written words, particularly when those words are heartfelt and shared with trust. As a budding blogger, I idolize a small handful of women who have become especially successful in the internet world. I follow their words almost religiously, soaking in their eloquent advice and their imaginative ideas and their beautiful lives.
It didn't take long for me to realize how thoroughly these women have impacted me with their honest living. So I decided to write to them, ask them questions, tell them how I acknowledge their hard work.
And guess what? They write back!
This morning my most favorite woman in the blogging world mentioned me by name in her post. Mentioned me! I sat in shock for a moment and then jumped to my feet, muttering "oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh..." as I went to fetch my phone. I immediately texted my husband to tell him the news.
You see, she taught me something this morning that has changed my opinion of blogging--or rather heightened an already intense feeling. We have been given an incredible experience to share our words and ideas with as many people as will find them. As bloggers, we have the power to enlighten other minds, but also to be enlightened by the often more established minds of others. We have at our fingertips the ideal epiphany-sharing neighborhood. And we must use it to our advantage!
I have my passions, yes. But so many others out there are choosing to share their talents with us. Ours is a shared world. We all have something unique to share. We need only to begin articulating the things that send our minds racing.
What is your passion? Do something today that sends chills down your spine because you love it so much.
Whose passion do you admire? Tell them today and tell them why. Everyone needs encouragement.
Marta gave me encouragement today and I couldn't be flying higher.
Experiment with your power of words.
You never know whose life you may change.