Once upon a time, in 1907, a man named T. C. Steele moved to Brown County, Indiana. He built a home, and a studio, on the old abandoned Bracken Hill Farm, a place a little ways outside the town of Nashville. While he kept teaching classes at IU Bloomington, he retreated to his abode and refuge, a place he named "
The House of Singing Winds". His paintings captured the landscape...and the attention of other artists and collectors. Today, his works is some of the most esteemed and highly valued, but more lasting is the community of artists that sprung up in the surrounding area. Even now,
artists from all media continue to keep residence here, forming a enclave of creativity in the heart of Indiana.
Pergola in Early Spring, 1918 |
Photograph of the Pergola, 2005 |
Find that interesting? Well, that's my synopsis-without-seeing the 27-minute film, "The Artists of Brown County", that's showing tomorrow at the Midwest Museum of American Art for their weekly Noon Time Talk on Thursdays. Not that interested? The film is sure to be easy on the eyes, especially because the trees are bare and the permacloud has settled in South Bend. And hey, if you learn something from it, what's the harm!
Take a little roadtrip to Elkhart and have a lunch break a little out of the ordinary. If you can afford to linger, spend time in the gorgeous Museum, which has a collection of American Expressionism, Impressionism, Regionalism, and lots of other -isms. From Warhol to Native American art, you'll find something there that makes you proud to be an American.
When: The film shows at noon (no surprise there!) and the museum is open from 10:00am - 4:00pm, Tuesday - Friday; 1:00 - 4:00 pm, Saturday - Sunday
Where: 249 South Main Street, Elkhart
Website: http://midwestmuseum.us/Cost: $4.00 Adults, $3.00 Senior Citizens, $2.00 College Students
Tip: AAA and Mobile Guide members get discounts. AND there's free admission on Sundays. Even if you're an adamant European art snob, at least you can say the price is right round here.
Can't make it this Thursday? Here's a
list of the other January events!